How will Christians fare during the Tribulation?
How will Christians fare during the Tribulation?
What will Christians left behind be facing after the Rapture of the church? We have touched on the distressing matter of the beheading of believers at that time. To illustrate how the details may work out, you may be interested in two dreams of the Tribulation available on YouTube. The first is a detailed account by the late Ken Peters, which he presented to the Prophecy Club in the year 2000, describing the dream he had 20 years previously: “I Saw The Tribulation (Full Version) Ken Peters.”[1] The second is complementary, exploring different areas, and entitled “Jesus took me to the Tribulation and gave me a glimpse of what’s to come. I had this visitation 2014: Last Days, Brandon Biggs.”[2] These dreams appear to illustrate many verses in the Bible. For example, we see the fulfilment of Luke 13:22-28: “But many who are first will be last, and the last, first,” in the order in which believers are taken to heaven. We hear of individual Christian pastors, and television ministers left behind after the Rapture to face angry church members, who wanted to kill these men because of their failure to warn about what was to come and prepare their people. We can picture the humble devout church attendee being raptured and taken to heaven before some leaders who had been compromised in their walk with God, despite their high-profile ministries. These foolish virgins will have to persevere here on earth during the Tribulation before they can enter heaven. The dreams describe the mass panic and hysteria following the removal of the Christians and children in the Rapture and how this will in turn be attributed to alien abduction. It is suggested that this very atmosphere of chaos and deep fear, causing a breakdown in law and order, gives rise to the Islamic Antichrist coming to power, offering order, strong leadership and peace to those who follow him. We are told he will demand worship on a Friday and that people take his electronic mark in order to access towns where there will be food. If the mark is refused then no mercy is shown; the consequence is instant decapitation. We learn how the Islamic world will welcome the Antichrist as their messiah, the Mahdi.[3] We hear of siblings born during the Tribulation reaching an age when they could talk. We hear details about the “foul and loathsome sore [which] came upon the men who had the Mark of the Beast and those who worshiped his image.”[4] Both men report seeing the Antichrist being worshipped on large screens, which is interesting in light of the verse: “If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives its mark on his forehead or on his hand...”[5] (author’s emphasis). We hear how the Antichrist will be a Gentile. We already know this because we are told in Revelation 13:1 how he rises up from the sea – a Scriptural term for the nations. By contrast, Revelation explains that the False Prophet comes out of the earth, a synonym for Israel.[6] Indeed a name of a specific Israeli is suggested for the False Prophet. We are also given clues as to how some Christians will be drawn into this one-world religious system.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the bride to prepare herself for her own wedding; she cannot leave it all to the bridegroom. We are each responsible to get ourselves ready for the Rapture that will unite us with our heavenly Bridegroom. In addition, we cannot prepare anyone else, although we should be praying and encouraging others to see the importance of this spiritual preparation. At the very least, if we find ourselves discussing the Last Days, we should warn of the world being taken over by the Antichrist, supported by militant Islamic groups. Picture door-to-door visits to find anyone sheltering within who has not taken the Mark of the Beast! Fail on a Friday to worship the Antichrist, or hide a Bible on the property? All such offences will carry the barbaric punishment of decapitation! Imagine turning on the radio and instead of music, out blares Islamic doctrine and calls to prayer, professionally delivered in BBC-style received pronunciation. Envisage the hardships of Christians fleeing persecution and having to leave the comfort of their own homes.
At the time of writing, there is serious civil unrest among people groups in the United Kingdom. This is the sort of situation to which Jesus refers when He warns that nation will rise against nation.[7] The Greek word used here for nation is ethnos, meaning people group rather than a country in the geographical sense.[8] This tragic and seemingly intractable situation moves us to intercede for revival. It is an opportunity to share the gospel of salvation. Our views on the soon-return of Jesus, the Rapture and the Tribulation may provide an apt introduction to the subject. One term for this is “apocalyptic evangelism.” Understanding how eschatology is unfolding helps to equip us with feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.[9] Perhaps too, it will provide us with new angles to speak to those who have fallen away from the Faith. “Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.”[10] The Apostle James tells us that mercy triumphs over judgement,[11] and we can cry out on behalf of the lost, claiming this truth.
[3] For full details of the meaning and implications of this term, see Joel Richardson’s book, “The Islamic Antichrist.” 2009. Chapter 4, “The Mahdi: Islam’s Awaited Messiah.” PDF available to read free of charge on the internet at content/uploads/2019/02/Islamic-Antichrist.pdf Also, see Nelson’s Walters YouTube video: “Muslim Jesus and Christian Jesus are Both Coming Back - Which One Will Churches Follow?”
[4] Revelation 16:2
[5] Revelation 14:9
[6] Revelation 13:11
[7] Matthew 24:7
[8] Bible “What the Bible says about Ethnos” (From Forerunner Commentary)
[9] Ephesians 6:15
[10] Proverbs 24:11
[11] James 2:13
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®.