
Linda Whiteley:"the world shaped and called me a medical scientist or technologist, but inwardly lay a romantic soul! It lay hidden and buried but God‘s love and embrace awakens me to poetry!"

Whose Life Lived?


Can the Holy Spirit be quenched in our own hearts?

Can the Holy Spirit be quenched by one another?

Do we who are pure and chaste in Christ walk wisely?

Or can we become unwise, foolishly living our own life?

We cease to live the exchanged life of Jesus Christ.

We become double minded and unstable in all our ways.

We cease to war against the flesh, the world and the devil.

To daily crucify the old flesh nature that wars against the Spirit.

We must take up our own cross, empowered by the Holy Spirit

This we are set free to choose to do through faith in Christ Jesus.

We can follow Him in obedience to the Father’s will not our own.

But we need to see that we have to persevere and endure to the end.

We live an exchanged life, knowing Christ in us, the Hope of Glory.

We are dependent upon His wisdom, His strength and His love in us.

We are by His grace, cleansed vessels to be tested and made fit for use

All honour and glory belong to Him for we have died and live in Christ Jesus.

Do we all walk as wise or do we need to daily encourage one another?

For wisdom does not come naturally but foolishness flows naturally!

We could walk easily as unwise being deceived by religious educated flesh.

We must be awake and quickly acknowledge and confess our sins to God.

We need to be focused on Him and His righteousness and not ourselves.

We need to confess our sin, our transgressions, our missing the mark

And receive His forgiveness and cleansing from all our own unrighteousness.

Being continually filled with His Holy Spirit to empower us, guide and lead us.

If we do not partake of Christ’s life in us, through dying to the self-life.

We have no intimacy with the Lord even though we know His Word!

We must live with the knowledge of Christ living in and through us

This is the Holy Spirit’s Work in us of continuing sanctification in Christ Jesus.


 Linda A Whiteley

 December 2024



Are you still sleeping and resting Yeshua asked

His closest disciples whom He invited to sit with Him.

In the garden of Gethsemane, the Olive Press.

Where He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed.

He was exceedingly sorrowful even unto death He revealed.

Stay here and WATCH WITH ME while I go and pray.

When He returned to His disciples, He found them sleeping.

Peter- What! Could you not watch with Me one hour?

Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation,

For the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

We hear the same words today in Christ’s Calling

But we too the Body of Christ have fallen asleep!

Again He went to pray in His distress and returned again

To find them sleeping but this time He just left them.

This scares me for He left them to it, He suffered on His own

I looked for an intercessor but I found none, and what of today?

A third time He went and returned to them again

Are you still sleeping and resting, behold the hour is at hand.

The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners,

Rise up let us be going, SEE, My betrayer is at hand.

In this hour of deep distress for Israel is the Lord with them?

He does not sleep or slumber but He feels all their infirmities.

Is His Body on earth One with Him, their Head, and interceding?

Or in His Mercy has He awakened us from our present sleeping?

Has He awakened a remnant who have repented from their slumber,

Found naked and hence blind and vulnerable to the present evil.

He admonishes us to get eye salve and gold refined in the fire

We need to watch and see and be prepared for this perilous hour.

Have we been lulled to sleep filled with false ego satisfying teaching?

Our focus on our own desires our own rationalisation in our lives?

Insensitive to the heart of our Saviour and Lord, whilst listening to man?

Forgive us Lord if we laid down the cross that we should have taken up!

If Your command to watch and pray is ignored today we are in peril.

You will leave us to our fleshly slumber is what I fear, and pray for mercy.

I don’t want to miss Your Heart or Your Timing and Your visit to awaken us.

Your Bride needs endurance whilst preparing herself for her intimate Beloved.

We have learned that only Your Gold will survive the tribulation fires.

May we also not be found naked but wearing white garments,

The righteous ACTS of the saints kept white by the Blood of the Lamb.

Rooted and grounded in Your Word, gold tried in the fire that endures.

Today is the day to hear the voice of our beloved to obey and act.

If we ignore the gentle leadings of Your Holy Spirit our hearts will harden.

Is this why so many say they do not hear You speak today?

Hard hearts find it hard to hear and if we do not hear there is no obedience.

Lord forgive us, if we are hypocrites and say the right things but do not do!

With our mouths we can honour You but our hearts can be far from You!

Blindly and deafly following the traditions and teachings of men, deliver us.

May we become a zealous company, a Holy Army clothed in Your Armour!

Clothed in Your Armour for the fight that we were birthed from above into.

May we be wise to the wiles of the devil, the accuser of the brethren.

The deceiver, the liar, the murderer, the thief that comes not by the Door.

May we see the wolf clothed in sheep’s clothing, may our eyes be open!


 Linda A Whiteley

 November 2023

An Hour of Trial


Keep one another awake my Christian brother to the Word of God to be fulfilled.

In our day we are seeing it come to pass in His Passion for His people Israel!

We cannot be complacent or ignorant toward His heart to draw Israel to Himself

Baruch Haba beShem Adonai, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.

He longs to hear their leaders cry these Words but what will it take, to hear it?

To call out to Yeshua, now rejected as their Saviour, Messiah, King and Lord?

Nothing less than a long night of Tribulation called a ‘time of Jacob’s trouble.’

All of the pressures being brought to bear on Israel will lead to that in the end.

But what of now, we pray that hearts bereaved will be awakened back to You.

That you will meet those in their hour of need that cry out to the Lord God Almighty

In Your Mercy and Grace, even as You have heard us when we did not deserve it.

You who saved us by Your Power and Your Wondrous Mercies, You will save them!

Hear the hearts of those wounded, afraid, bereaved, homeless, feeling forsaken.

You will not forsake them and those who turn to You,You will never leave or forsake

Your Mercies fail not, Your Compassions fail not, forgive us for forsaking in prayer,

To remember in intercession Your love and passion for Your chosen people Israel!

A day’s coming in the end time siege of nations upon Israel that they yield to You,

For it is written that You will pour upon them a spirit of Grace and supplications.

An anointing of Godly sorrow for sin and unbelief and their experiencing a real day

Of Atonement, a deep soul searching and will look upon Him who they’ve pierced.

They will mourn for Him even as for an only son even as they mourn today for loss.

They will weep over Him bitterly as one weepeth for an only Son, hearts tenderised

For every person, every family, every wife by themselves will mourn in the land,

They will recognise the enormity of their national sin against God the Son, Yeshua!

What of the nations that Your Word says God gathers against Jerusalem to battle?

Saying, You shall go forth and fight against those nations, their destruction’s come!

Those who would destroy Israel will themselves be destroyed like Haman and sons

God used them to get Israel to a point of desperation calling to GOD for salvation.

Lord we pray that even today there will be eyes opened to Your Salvation Plan!

Deliver us from any blindness as we anoint our eyes with eye salve, Your Word!

Even as You lift the veil that is upon Israel’s eyes and allow them to see Yeshua,

Their Messiah King, God’s Lamb sacrificed upon God’s chosen Altar for their sin.

The Blood avails for them on the Mercy Seat, atoning but also taking away their sin

God’s Wrath satisfied not by their works but by the sacrifice of His Only Son, Jesus

Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven and whose sins are covered

Blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin. Lord bless Israel!

Strengthen her as she fights against her enemies with Your Strength and Help

Send help from Your Heavenly sanctuary for You are the Lord God of Hosts

Give her leaders Your Wisdom and plans that you can prosper for her Salvation.

Send confusion, blindness and madness upon her enemies for her Deliverance.

Bring comfort and help to the wounded, strengthen all the services bringing help

Give enduring strength to the ground soldiers and courage as they serve,

May the nation unite in prayer and the leaders unite to bring Victory over evil.

May the day come soon that Your people Israel embrace the Prince of peace.


 Linda A Whiteley

 October 2023

Intercessory Confession


Father God we confess to You that in our nation we have gone a whoring!

A whoring after the false evil gods Baal, Molech and the goddess Ishtar!

We have not been faithful to our Creator and faithful Holy God Elohim!

We have trodden underfoot Your Holy Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ! 


Woe and judgement rightfully belong to us according to Your just judgements!

You gave Your Precious, Only beloved Son to take upon His Own sinless Body

Your Wrath against Sin of which we and every, man and woman are guilty!

We should be on our faces to the ground for we have remained guilty and faithless. 


But if we confess our sin You are faithful and just to forgive us our sin

And to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness, cleansed by Your Blood.

We cannot ignore our sin, for in our silence to other’s idolatry we are complicit.

If we are silent we are culpable and guilty of the same sin as our brother in Christ! 


Our hearts can no longer bear it, we hate what is happening in our land!

We hate what is happening to our children and our children’s children.

They were given to us as a blessing from You to be a blessing in honouring You.

Honour that is not just with our lips but with thankful hearts of true worship! 


You Created us and You saw that it was very good, but we destroyed the good.

We have declared it not good that boys grow into men and girls grow into women

Equal but different from one another, different in function and design for Him!

We humble ourselves to Your Calling on any man or woman for they serve You! 


You have given us natural and spiritual gifts, gifts that Grace gives, we can’t earn.

Gifts so that we might know Your Blessing of giving as we can give to bless others!

All things belong to You, we are stewards, not owners, for we possess nothing.

We are responsible to You for what we do with all that You have given to us! 


We have become desecrators, destroyers, murderers, of all that is Holy.

God have mercy on us as we turn from our wicked ways and imaginations!

We by Your Grace and Truth cast down our wicked imaginations that exalt,

Exalt themselves against the knowledge of the Most High and Holy Creator God! 


We cry out for Your Blood’s Power against all that is released that is profane!

We cry out to You Almighty God for cleansing and forgiveness and renewal!

We cry out to You for Mercy for ourselves and for our children and their children.

We cry out to You for our nation’s King to be Godly and intercede with your church. 


When Hebrew kings of old, were righteous and stood interceding for their nation

Along with the righteous prophet, You would rise up against the nation’s enemies.

We need You now to rout out our spiritual enemies in the heavenlies.

We pray the King of kings will send help from the Heavenly Sanctuary to fight our enemies.


The Destiny of our UK Nation and Ireland, these small isles are in Your Hand!

We pray that we can be a faithful sheep nation and You will not cast us away!

You will not say of our nations ‘depart from Me for you did NOT minister to Me

As you did not feed or clothe or visit or welcome the least of these my brethren!’ 

Woe to him who causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin.

It would be better for him to have a great millstone around his neck

And to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world for temptation to sin

But we must put our trust in the Blood of Jesus for our forgiveness and restoration! 


We overcome the evil one, the deceiver, the accuser, by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.

No one born of God makes a practice of sinning for God’s Seed abides in him.

And he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. Selah! 


 Linda A Whiteley  

 August 2023


Christ Sets You Free To Worship Him


There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to you!

You are free of guilt in Christ Jesus, who took your sin,

You who have confessed your sin, He is faithful and just

To Forgive you and cleanse you from All Unrighteousness!


Notice He is FAITHFUL AND JUST to FORGIVE though men may not!

You are forgiven even when your brother or sister may not!

They chose to condemn, to declare you guilty and even punish

Though you are repentant or guiltless they will not forgive you!


Those under a load of guilt cannot forgive, for they have not first received!

Pray that they know God’s forgiveness that was paid in Christ’s Blood!

Their Huge debt could only be paid by the innocent Blood of the Lamb.

They could not pay it but The Lamb of God paid, and for the whole world!


Unnecessary guilt is the burden of those who do not receive Forgiveness.

They do not confess their sin and guilt before a Holy just God!

They walk in agreement with the Adversary who accuses all men!

Even those that repent and hence the Adversary’s charge is nullified and False!


They have not trusted the Advocate who defends them before the Judge.

Jesus Christ our Advocate who pleads His Blood that declares them Innocent!

For they have confessed their sin and been cleansed from all unrighteousness.

They are justified when they receive and trust in the Blood of God’s Lamb!


Have you agreed with your Adversary and been imprisoned by his lies?

Your relationship with God and your brother have been broken in this agreement.

You walk in darkness shackled with unseen chains, lying thoughts in your mind?

For the thoughts have NOT been brought captive to the obedience of Christ!


God sets free to worship Him in spirit and in truth and to honour Him,

By receiving all His Love purchased for you, with thanksgiving and joy!

To refuse His Blood bought gift and Holy Spirit is dishonouring to Him.

To rejoice in His Salvation and to live and feast on His Word, Honours Him!


To be bold in declaring and sharing His Holy Word is honouring and worshipful.

It is idolatry to fear His Creatures though they masquerade as your master,

Desiring to control and rule over your life. Do not submit to their control!

Submit to one another who submit to God and His Everlasting Word!


Linda A Whiteley

June 2023

Piercing You Still

There are words that we speak that are like the piercing of swords!

Words that come from wounded pride, words that can only defile!

Words that our Flesh, our fallen human nature refusing to die speak.

Lord forgive our religious works coming from hearts far from knowing YOU!

Life and death are in the power of the tongue that from our heart speaks.

Lord You have told us that our hearts are deceptive, desperately wicked.

Leading us astray, and not in paths of Righteousness where You alone can lead.

Lord, in the day of my distress, I cry to You to lead me, for Your Name’s Sake!

We are not innocent, yet we defend ourselves and esteem ourselves as Righteous!

There is None Righteous, no not one, only the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us!

That we might KNOW the Father’s Forgiveness as we confess our sin and repent

And know the Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit that makes us New Creatures.

Lord, I have criticised others when I am blindly guilty of the same offences.

I repent of criticism for I have released ammunition to the Accuser of the brethren,

Rather than crying out to You for a Spirit of Grace and Supplication to pour out.

And our blind eyes will see our OWN need of Your saving work in Christ Jesus!

Pray for Mercy and Love to be given to those whose tongues are raised against us.

For even whilst we were still Your enemies and in rebellion You died in our place.

The disciple is not above His master so we must humbly submit to die to our flesh!

Yet we pray that Your Blood will plead for us so that You can live in and through us!

As we confess our sin and repent, may Your Blood plead before the Throne

Annulling words that the Accuser can bring against us, ourselves or our brother.

Teach us to depend on You for Heavenly Supernatural Grace to receive and give

Grace we don’t deserve knowing all that is good is from You and for Your Glory!

Linda A Whiteley

May 2023

Suffering a Little

Suffering diminishes when I look at Jesus on the Cross!

It becomes minute, even when once it consumed me!

In my flesh it could take years of struggle to get justice

But suddenly I see that God has perhaps honoured me!

When do we actually permit ourselves to suffer wrong?

Do we have selfish motives when we suffer for those we love?

We suffer hardships sometimes in order to gain a personal prize.

Or we simply suffer because we are still, actually, modern slaves!

But our hearts do not permit it for we rebel and complain.

We both outwardly and inwardly grumble, wrestling with our lot!

We are slaves to our selfish desires to our inherent love of self.

Who can deliver us from this self deceit and blindness of our own nature?

Only You our Holy Saviour, our beautiful Redeemer Lord Jesus Christ!

You alone are worthy of all our love and worship and yielded lives.

We cannot trust our human nature so fallen short of Your Glory!

Only You our Lord and King are Holy, Glorious, Loving and Undefiled!

How can we, so earthly, be ready to enter into Your Eternal Kingdom?

We greedy, thieves, cheaters, swindlers, deceivers, immoral, revilers?

Because YOU DIED, and we were washed, sanctified, justified,

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by His Blood and by the Spirit of God!

And if on my journey with You through this world to Your Kingdom,

I suffer at the hands of sinful men am I not honoured by You?

To be allowed to suffer just a little for I could never comprehend

What You my Loving Lord suffered for me and the whole sinful world!

Why not suffer wrong? Why not be defrauded? Apostle Paul once wrote!

Thank You Lord Jesus for now I see You in me still would suffer long.

For is this not LOVE! Love your enemies not just your friends it is written.

Though I don’t deserve this honour, I didn’t earn it, You still would honour me!

Linda A Whiteley

June 2023