A word to the reader

A word to the reader

This deeply practical publication is pertinent to both Christians and also to those from all faith backgrounds who are not yet born again. At the end of 2019, Covid suddenly appeared and within months made an unwelcome stamp on our lives and upon our society. There is something universally devastating coming soon. It will make lockdowns pale into insignificance. It will dramatically affect both believers and non-believers alike, and life as we know it now will never be the same again. This writing will still be relevant to many when that event takes place. Wise preparation is essential for each one of us. There is a prayer at the end if you are convicted of your own sin and desire to know God and to embark on a personal relationship with His divine Son, God in the flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha Mashiakh in Hebrew) and be part of His family.  It is also suitable if you hitherto have only given mental assent to the message of Jesus, yet now wish to cry out to God with a repentant heart to be saved from the just judgement of your sin through the shed blood of Jesus on the Cross.

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®.